Written By putrajunio on Saturday, September 29, 2012 | 6:46 PM


Chapter I

English used as guidance for any instruction or any communication in the world involve relationship, business, networking etc. so most of people think that English become a main need language after their mother tongue because it has many advantage in many aspect.
The most important reason for teaching writing is that it is a basic language skill, just as important as speaking, listening and reading. Students need to know how to write letter, how to put written reports together, they need to know some of writing’s special convention such as punctuation, paragraph construction, just as the need to know how to pronounce spoken English appropriately.
Media through email is one of the most important things for teachers to teaching writing effectively. In this case, email can make the students more effective for study writing and developing their knowledge and skills, because writing is a way that a student can express their ideas.
Statement of problem
Some students acquire a language in a purely oral/ aural way, but others benefit greatly from seeing the language written down. The visual demonstration of language construction is invaluable for both their understanding of how it all fits together and as an aid to committing the new language shortly after they have studied it. In other words, writing reinforces the grammatical structures, idioms and vocabulary that students have learned.
Using email allows us to keep in touch with other teachers around the world via mailing lists and discussion groups, thus helping in our professional development. It also allows us to communicate with our learners outside the classroom.
The actual process of writing helps students in acquiring a language because the process demands them to think and choose the sentences as well as words that they will use to express the ideas. This mental activity that students go through in order to construct proper written texts is all part of ongoing learning experience. Thus, the relationship between writing and thinking makes writing a valuable part of any language courses
Many learners have problem incorrectly of spelling, forming letters, punctuating, using grammar, joining sentences and choosing the wrong vocabulary. Also, cannot arrange the ideas using appropriate language like using the correct forms of language.
Narrative paragraph is one of the seven types of paragraphs. It differs from others in its use of informal language and lack of descriptive analysis all information is contained in action determined by predicates, mode, and pace of the story. And the big problem that students cannot to improve their languages in writing English skill.

Teaching Narrative Paragraph through Email
Teaching is not only transferring knowledge or tough to the student, but it is guiding the students in order that they are able to be success. The process of teaching has three main components, the components are teacher who teacher, students who accept the knowledge and the last is material or knowledge it self which is taugh.
Narrative by Catherine Kohler Riessman presents the reader with a strong rationale for conducting qualitative research in the humanities from the perspective of the personal experience narrative. Notion of re-presenting to a reader or audience from personal lived experience in order to make meaning from that experience is a theme often stated in this monograph.
According to Dvorak quoted in Lee & Vanpatten (1995: 214) states that writing will be used as a generic term to refer to all the various activities that involves transferring thought through paper. Writing that focuses primarily on the conventions of language forms. Grammatical or lexical structures will be termed transcription. The term composition will refer to the skills involved in effectively developing and communicating an idea or making a point.
To improve in teaching writing English skill, there are many methods used in teaching learning process. It is base on the use of method is adjusted with the materials that will be taught. Teachers should always prepare the suitable teaching method before presenting the materials in the class.
Narrative paragraphs are most distinctively used in fiction. Such as, the students will contain all necessary components of action development: protagonist, setting, goal, obstacle, climax and resolution. Narrative paragraphs simply tell a story or relay a sequence of events. Generally, these events are told in chronological order that is the order in which they happened.
However, a narrative paragraph most often tells a story in order to illustrate or demonstrate a point. This include in paragraph as group of related sentences that discuss one and usually only one main idea. Using email as media is one of the most important things for teachers to teaching narrative paragraph effectively and successful.
And to write an effective narrative paragraph, the author must be creative yet concise. A well-written narrative paragraph will appeal to readers because of the author is thorough knowledge of the subject and ability to communicate effectively.
Based on the research it can be concluded that the result of the student achievement showed that teaching narrative paragraph that could improve the achievement. The student was getting better and it indicates that the teaching learning process was successful.

Benefits of using email in teaching narrative paragraph
Most of us probably wrote emails in both our personal and professional lives, and the same thing is true for many of our learners. Email allows us to keep in touch with other teachers around the world via mailing lists and discussion groups, thus helping in our professional development. It allow us to communicate with learners outside the classroom, for example setting, receiving, marking, and returning homework and other written assignment.
Teaching narrative paragraph through email the students are able to express their idea to write narrative paragraph, because narrative paragraph is one of the seven types of paragraphs. It differs from others in its use of informal language and lack of descriptive analysis all information is contained in action determined by predicates, mode, and pace of the story.
And to write an effective narrative paragraph, the author must be creative yet concise. A well-written narrative paragraph will appeal to readers because of the author is thorough knowledge of the subject and ability to communicate effectively.
One of the biggest advantages of using email with learners from the teachers’ point of view is that the technology is relatively simple to use, and most of our learners will already be familiar with it. If our learners are not familiar with email, it is not difficult to teach them to use it, and the technology is both ubiquitous and free.

Basic Email Skill in teaching Narrative Paragraph
Before starting to use email with learners, you will need to check that your learners have certain basic skills in place. Learners need to be familiar not only with the mechanics of sending and receiving email in teaching narrative paragraph and also attachment, but also with the kind of language used in email, as well as the rules of engagement or netiquette, required in email use. Basic skills may be considered in two groups: communication skills and technical; skills.
• Communication skills
It is a good idea to remind learners that, as in traditional letter writing, there are levels of formality in email writing. An email written to enquire about a job vacancy will have a different level of formality to an email sent to a close friend. While the email to a friend may include abbreviations, emoticons, misspellings or lower-case characters, such as these are entirely inappropriate for a more formal email.
Composing an email has the added advantage for learners of allowing them to draft and edit before sending that the text of narrative paragraph. Research shows that this part of the writing process, so much easier than with pen and paper, is something that learners appreciate. But communication by email is of course still very fast. And make the simple ways of writing English skill in narrative paragraph.

• Technical skills
Apart from basic word processing and typing skills, learners will need to have an email account. Many learners will already have a personal or work email account that they will be willing to use for their language class work, but others may need help with setting up a new email account.
There are several free, web-based email services, through which it is easy to set up and use an email account. The best known are Yahoo, Hotmail, or Google Mail, although Google Mail currently requires you to receive an invitation from an already registered Google Mail user for you to be able to open an account.
Technology Improves Narrative Paragraph in Writing Skills
Improves narrative paragraph in English Writing Skills Tool can make life easier mostly for those who spend much of their time writing emails, articles and other digital documents. English writing is an art; however, any of us can make it effective in any field of life if we constantly keep on improving it. In the following article you will learn about new ideas on how you can quickly proofread your daily writing assignments.
Technology in language teaching is not new. Indeed, technology has been around in language teaching for decades. The use of technology in the class room is becoming increasingly important, and it will become a normal part of ELT (English Language Teaching) practice in the coming years and it will improves English writing skill.
There are many reasons:
 Internet access- either in private home, or at internet cafes-is becoming increasingly available to learners.
 English, as an international language, is being used in technologically mediated context.
 The internet offer excellent opportunities for collaboration and communication between learners who are geographically dispersed.
 Technology is offered with published materials such as course books and resources books for teacher.
 Learners increasingly expect language school to integrate technology into teaching.
 Technology offers new ways for practicing language and assessing performance
 Technology is becoming increasingly mobile. It can be used not only in the class room, lecture hall, computer room or self-access center; it can also be used at home, on the way to school and in internet cafés.
 Using a range of Information and communication Technology tools can give learner exposure to and practice in all of the four main languages skill-speaking, listening, writing and reading.

Email in language teaching
An account is given of a three-year study of the use of email for teaching purposes within two courses forming part of a psychology degree, in order to compare course delivery via email with delivery via ‘traditional’ lectures. The courses were a first year ‘Psychology and IT’ course, which was taught entirely via email and a second year ‘Cognitive Psychology’ course, parts of which were taught by email and part by lectures, some of which were supported by emailed summaries. Although there were drawbacks to the use of email for teaching, the email method was felt to have been successful, as was confirmed by generally positive student feedback.
The examination performance of two successive student cohorts on an multiple-choice question (MCQ) paper was studied. In one cohort the poorest part-time students performed better on material taught by email than by teachers, while in the other cohort there was some evidence for lectures supported by emailed 1000-word summaries producing better performance. However, in this second cohort MCQ performance deriving from emailed lectures was worse than that deriving from other delivery formats.
The big of one important that used email needs to have a clear purpose for learners. There is not much point taking a class of learners who regularly meet face-to-face to a computer room during class time simply used email teach other via computer when student can do so more effectively.
Types of Email
There are several types of email you can create.
• POP/IMAP account. Email sent to this type of account will be stored on the server. Users then will be able to download their email by using email client software or check their mails by using webmail.
• Email forwarder. This type of email accounts will forward any incoming mail to another email address. For example, you can forward your emails to your account with a local ISP, but you can use the address associated with your domain, not your ISP.
• Mailing list. Mailing list consists of its members' email addresses. Any email sent to a mailing list account will be distributed to its members. Our mailing list system is fully automatic, for example a user can become a member by themselves, email bounces are handled automatically, etc.
• Auto responder. Auto responder wills immediate reply any incoming email with a given message. Besides that, the incoming message can be forwarded to another email address as well.
• Email bouncer. This type of email account will simply reject any incoming email, just like when this account has not been made. For a reason why this email type is sometimes necessary, please refer to the section called “Default Mail Handler” for more information.
• Email black hole. These types of email account will simple discards any incoming emails.
• Custom mail handler. An advanced user can use dynamic email processing by using custom mail handler. To use this feature, you need a working knowledge on how our email server (qmail-1.03) works.
Ways in using Email
1. Using email with learners out of class
There are many ways of using email with learners, from simple administrative tasks such as the submission of assignments or homework via email, to more complex email project involving classes in different countries over a number of weeks, a semester or even over an academic year. Below we outline some ideas for using email outside the classroom. The ideas require learners to have their own email accounts, and access to a computer outside class time, either at home or work, in a self-access centre, or in an internet café.
• Learners can submit class work as attachments by email, which can be marked by the teacher, and returned by email. Learners can also share class work or assignment by email.
• The teacher can email learners a summary of class work, plus homework or extra material or updates on classes, after each class or on a regular basis a teacher blog can also work well.
• The teacher can email learners regular newsletter about the class and themselves. This is especially useful for keeping in touch with learners during holidays. The emails could include diary or journey type information about what the teacher has been doing in their spare time, and be sent to learners weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Learners can be encouraged to send each other emails of this type, too either to the whole class or to a partner.
• Learners can use email to prepare before class. For example, the teacher can ask pairs to prepare information on a topic, which they can do via email.
• Learners can use email to send queries about a topic, or a grammar area, to the teacher before a class. This can help the teacher prepare a class that focuses on and addresses specific learner issues.
• Email can be used as a collaborative writing tool. For example, in groups, learners are asked to produce a story based on a painting, with learner 1 starting the story, which is then forwarded to learners 2, who adds to the story, then forwards it to learner 3, who adds to it, and so on. It is important to ensure that all group members are copied into the story from the beginning, and that each learner knows when it is their turn to contribute.
2. Using email with learners during class
Using email during class time is worth doing if more complex projects are being set up and if your learners have limited access to computers outside the classroom. Below we describe two examples of data collection projects. These can run over several classes, weeks or even months and require quite a lot preparation on the part of the teacher.
A data collection project requires learners to send emails to real companies, individuals, organizations or websites to solicit information. This information is then collated for comparison, and a presentation or written report is prepared on the topic.
Given that the chances of unsolicited emails not being answered is high, it is important to ensure that choose a topic that requires the learners to send emails that stand a good chance of receiving a response.

Chapter III
Teaching narrative paragraph through email the students are able to express their idea to write narrative paragraph, because narrative paragraph is one of the seven types of paragraphs. It differs from others in its use of informal language and lack of descriptive analysis all information is contained in action determined by predicates, mode, and pace of the story.
And to write an effective narrative paragraph, the author must be creative yet concise. A well-written narrative paragraph will appeal to readers because of the author is thorough knowledge of the subject and ability to communicate effectively. Write emails in both our personal and professional lives, and the same thing is true for many of our learners. Email allows us to keep in touch with other teachers around the world via mailing lists and discussion groups, thus helping in our professional development.
The important thing is English learners to use technologies in practicing writing English. Narrative paragraph using email must be practiced. Cause email is one of the most used and useful Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools around today. This way will be very effective to improve students writing English skill. And this can help the students to express their ideas in narrative paragraph writing used the email.
Dudeney, Gavin & Nicky Hockly. 2007. How to Teach English with Technology. Edinburgh Gate: Pearson Education Limited.
Harsyaf, Hj. Nurmaini M.Y, Zakhwan Izmi. 2009. Teaching Writing. Jakarta: the Minister National of Education Decree.
Calhoun Emily F. 2000. Teaching beginning reading and writing. United State of Amerika.
Harmer, Jeremy. 2004. How to Teach English. Edinburgh Gate: Pearson Education Limited.
Hyland, K. 2003. Second Language Writing. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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